A list of possible gods and goddesses in mythology. By no means a complete listing, but a start. There is basic information on what the name is and what the god or goddess represented, most are norse and celtic in nature.
Aesir | Race of warlike gods, including Odin, Thor, Tyr |
Alcis | Twin gods of the sky |
Balder | Son of Odin and favorite of the gods |
Bor | Father of Odin |
Bragi | God of poetry |
Eir | Goddess of medicine |
Fafnir | Dragon god |
Fjorgynn | Mother of Thor |
Freya | Goddess of love and fertility |
Frey | God of fertility, sun, and rain |
Frigg | Goddess of married love; wife of Odin |
Gefion | Goddess who received virgins after death |
Heimdall | Warden of the gods |
Hel | Goddess of death; Queen of Niflheim, the land of the mists |
Hermod | Son of Odin |
Hoenir | Companion to Odin and Loki |
Hoder | Blind god who killed Balder |
Idunn | Guardian goddess of the golden apples of youth; wife of Bragi |
Kvasir | God of wise utterances |
Logi | Fire god |
Loki | God of mischief |
Mimir | God of wisdom |
Nanna | Goddess wife of Balder |
Nehallenia | Goddess of plenty |
Nerthus | Goddess of earth |
Njord | God of ships and the sea |
Norns | Goddesses of destiny |
Odin (Woden, Wotan) |
Chief of the Aesir family of gods, the ‘father’ god; the god of war, learning, and poetry |
Otr | Otter god |
Ran | Goddess of the sea |
Sif | Goddess wife of Thor |
Sigyn | Goddess wife of Loki |
Thor (Donar) | God of thunder and sky; good crops |
Tyr | God of battle, victory |
Ull | God of the hunt |
Valkyries | Females helpers of the gods of war |
Vanir | Race of benevolent gods, including Njord, Frey, Freya |
Vidar | Slayer of the wolf, Fenvir |
Vor | Goddess of truth |
Welan | Craftsman god |